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Rational Insight

Rational Insight is basically a “Project/Process/Performance Measurement” tool, through which you can get an “insight” of your project, you can monitor various parameters, measure status and progress, all in a single view. A user can define appropriate metrics based on an organization’s interest and through these metrics, Rational Insight can fetch relevant data into reports, and then those reports can be shown to project managers, customers and team members through dashboards to have a bird’s eye view of your project.

  • An automated process and performance measurement tool
  • Real time information in a single view across projects , products and geographies improves decision making
  • Can gather information from various different software
  • Can automate this information gathering process
  • Helps an organization to improve control of software and system development and delivery and ultimately reduce time to market
  • Provide web based interactive interface
  • Easy to understand and deploy as compare to its functionality
  • Flexible dashboard that help synthesize information that let us quickly see status and spot the issue
  • We can retrieve these reports and dashboards on our mobile phones thus increase mobility and fast decision making for project managers , customized email notifications