Microsoft Fabric Solutions

Microsoft Fabric Solutions by Royal Cyber

Microsoft Fabric: Transforming Data Management and Analytics
Microsoft Gold partner

What is Microsoft Fabric?

Microsoft Fabric serves as a comprehensive data and analytics platform within Microsoft Azure, consolidating a range of data tools and services into a single integrated solution. This platform offers a unified approach for businesses and data professionals to manage diverse tasks, including data science, real-time analytics, data storage, and data migration.

Microsoft Fabric Solutions

Why Microsoft Fabric?

Break Down Data Silos

Simplify Data Management

Empower Data Democratization

Fuel AI and Machine Learning

Collaborate Seamlessly

Copilot in Each Microsoft Fabric Experience

Empower Data Scientists and Data Analysts with Semantic Link
Unlock Insights in Real-Time with Streamlined Analytics
Data-Driven Decisions with Advanced Data Engineering
Train Custom ML Models with Azure ML
Supercharge Intelligent App Strategy
Increase Developer Velocity with Copilot in Fabric
Build New Analytics and AI Models

Microsoft Fabric Advantages

Our Approach




How can Royal Cyber help Jumpstart Microsoft Fabric Adoption

To speed up your organization’s comprehension and integration of Fabric’s capabilities, our team of experts will help you develop a clear roadmap for success. This will enable your business to derive maximum benefits by leveraging the unique analytics landscape at your disposal.

Why Royal Cyber

Deep Expertise

Benefit from our Microsoft Certified Gold Partner status and our team’s extensive experience in crafting and deploying Fabric solutions.

Proven Track Record

Trust in our history of successfully enabling businesses to unleash the full potential of their data assets and optimize infrastructure.

End-to-End Support

Receive comprehensive assistance at every stage of the implementation journey, from initial strategy formulation to ongoing optimization.

Scalable Solutions

Embrace solutions designed to evolve alongside your business, providing a future-proof data analytics platform tailored to expanding needs.

Needs Assessment & Strategy

Collaborate with our expert team to tailor a Microsoft Fabric strategy that addresses your data challenges.

Data Integration & Management

Ensure a smooth and secure data flow from diverse sources into a centralized data lake for efficient management.

Advanced Analytics & Reporting

Leverage Power BI and Azure Synapse Analytics to derive actionable insights and craft engaging data visualizations.

Change Management & Adoption

Delivers tailored training workshops and continuous support, maximizing the ROI of your Fabric investment.

Microsoft Fabric FAQs

  1. Power BI: Microsoft’s business analytics service for creating interactive visualizations and reports from data.
  2. OneLake: Microsoft’s platform for creating and managing data lakes, including shortcuts for easy navigation.
  3. Data Factory: Microsoft’s cloud-based data integration service orchestrates and automates data movement and transformation.
  4. Synapse Data Engineering: Microsoft’s solution for big data processing and analytics, including creating and managing lakehouses.
  5. Synapse Data Science: Microsoft’s platform for performing data analysis and machine learning experiments, with integration options for Power BI.
  6. Synapse Data Warehouse: Microsoft’s solution for storing and analyzing large volumes of structured data using SQL queries.
  7. Synapse Real-Time Analytics: Microsoft’s service for analyzing streaming data in real-time using event streams and Kusto Query Language (KQL).
  8.  Data Activator: Microsoft’s tool for retrieving data from event streams and creating objects and triggers for data processing.

Microsoft Fabric empowers all data users:

  • Data Engineers: Connect data, build views, manage AI models – all in one place.
  • Data Warehouse Pros: Build scalable warehouses, query diverse data, and optimize performance.
  • Data Scientists: Develop AI models seamlessly, leverage Azure AI services, and deploy models easily.
  • Data Analysts: Explore data and create visualizations within Fabric or Power BI.
  • Business Users: Access insights directly in Microsoft 365 or Power BI reports.

Microsoft Fabric effortlessly integrates with various Microsoft products, including:

  • Microsoft 365: Users can effortlessly access Fabric insights through Microsoft 365 applications like Excel and Teams, employing natural language queries or pre-designed templates.
  • Azure OpenAI Service: Fabric users can harness generative AI and language model services provided by Azure OpenAI Service, enabling the creation of AI-driven experiences seamlessly integrated into Fabric.
  • Azure Data Explorer: Within Fabric, users can efficiently handle massive volumes of streaming data from diverse sources by leveraging Azure Data Explorer for ingestion, storage, analysis, and visualization.
  • Azure IoT Hub: Fabric facilitates seamless connectivity with Azure IoT Hub, empowering users to link millions of devices and stream real-time data effortlessly into Fabric.

Domains in Microsoft Fabric are logical data groupings in organizations, organized by business needs like marketing or sales. They facilitate decentralized data management through the data mesh architecture. Key aspects include:

1. Organization: Group data for specific departments.
2. Workspace Association: Links data to domains through workspaces.
3. Roles: Fabric admin, Domain admin, Domain contributor.
4. Settings Delegation: Allows domain-specific rules.
5. Domain Image: Visual representation for identification.
6. Default Domain: Automatically assigns workspaces.
7. Subdomains: Further organize data within domains.
8. Workspace Assignment: Admins assign workspaces to domains.
9. Configuration: Settings like admins and contributors.
10. Delegated Settings: Overrides tenant-level settings.

In essence, domains streamline data management by tailoring it to organizational needs.

  • Data Factory and Azure Synapse Migration: For existing users of Data Factory and Azure Synapse, Microsoft assures continued support with no immediate pressure for migration. However, for those interested in transitioning to Microsoft Fabric, the other platforms’ teams are actively developing migration tools to ensure a seamless process. These tools will facilitate the transfer of workflows, pipelines, and datasets from Azure Synapse and Data Factory to Microsoft Fabric. Microsoft Fabric’s integration with these platforms guarantees a smooth transition, allowing users to leverage existing data integration workflows while gaining access to enhanced features and capabilities within Fabric. Future updates may predominantly focus on Fabric, making migration an appealing option for users seeking advanced functionalities.
  • Power BI Migration: For existing Power BI Premium users, Microsoft Fabric represents the future of Power BI Premium, offering a more comprehensive suite of data tools. While users can continue utilizing Power BI Premium, Microsoft Fabric provides a pathway for seamless transition when they are ready. The Fabric team is committed to ensuring compatibility and leveraging Power BI’s strengths within Fabric. To facilitate migration, the Fabric team is developing tools designed to ease the transition from Power BI Premium to Microsoft Fabric. These tools will enable users to migrate reports, dashboards, and data models seamlessly, ensuring the continuity of analytics operations while unlocking the enhanced capabilities offered by Fabric.

Let’s Talk

Microsoft Fabric

 Get in touch to learn more about how Royal Cyber can help you build a data-driven enterprise with Microsoft Fabric.

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