Essentials of Configuration Management with IBM Rational ClearCase, V7.0

Essentials of Configuration Management with IBM® Rational® ClearCase® v7.0 is a one-day, instructor-led course designed to teach configuration managers how to implement ClearCase effectively in their development environments (Windows and UNIX). This course introduces individuals to the discipline of software configuration management (SCM) and discusses the attributes of effective SCM. You will learn what information is critical to include in a configuration management plan. They practice creating and implementing a usage model based on a simulated software development project. The usage model includes details about organizing project artifacts, branching strategies, and project process and policies.

Below is the one day course outline of our trainings:

Course Name: Essentials of Configuration Management with IBM Rational ClearCase, V7.0
Duration: 1 days
Skill Level: Basic


This basic course is intended for individuals who fill the role of configuration manager in their organizations. Some knowledge of ClearCase is assumed. No knowledge of ClearCase administration is assumed.

Skills taught:

You should have:

  • Completed Essentials of Rational ClearCase course
  • Or At least six months on-the-job ClearCase experience
  • Define software configuration management and list the attributes of an effective software configuration management system.
  • Explain the purpose and describe the contents of a configuration management plan
  • Implement a ClearCase usage model by:
  • Complete a ClearCase usage model
    • Setting up project artifacts
    • Creating branch types that implement a branching strategy
    • Implementing project process and policies through the use of ClearCase

Course outline:

  • Software Configuration Management Overview
    • Attributes of effective SCM
    • SCM and ClearCase
    • The Configuration Management Plan
  • Creating a Usage Model
  • Setting up project artifacts
    • Creating VOBs
    • Importing data into VOBs
    • Creating and applying label types
  • Planning and implementing a branching strategy
    • Creating branch types
    • Automating configuration specification usage
  • Creating and implanting project policies
    • Triggers
    • Attributes