RDz and RAA Custom Courseware Design and Delivery
Royal Cyber’s premier specialty is in the domain of RDz and RAA education. Over the last five years we have taught in well over 40 companies – and have received the highest positive accolades from students, project leaders, managers and executives. This is because we are not merely interested in teaching RDz and RAA, but are really interested in helping your company succeed with your rollout.
To that end we provide – at no extra cost to you – post-class mentoring, and long-term technical support (see our offering for the RDz Hotline).
Our rates are extremely reasonable. Because of the depth of knowledge we maintain in-house, we can customize the curriculum to include integration with your SCM, with your custom workspace, and with other z/OS integration points.
Click here to learn more about our training and Service Offerings
Topics – RDz for Developers
- The Eclipse IDE
- Terms and concepts
- Setting up projects
- Navigation
- Manipulating views and using perspectives
- COBOL development using RDz***
- Code analysis techniques – including all visual analysis tools
- Code editing techniques
- Syntax check and compile
- Property Groups – developing and maintaining
- Common z/OS application development, maintenance and support tasks
- Using the Data tools to maintain relational table test data, and code/test SQL statements
- Accessing Remote Systems from RDz
- Data management (file allocation, etc.)
- Remote compilation
- Mapping data sets
- Search and application analysis:
- Searching programs and local resources
- Remote search (through libraries and files)
- Using Code Review (Software Analyzer) to improve your program’s run-time performance and mainttainability
- Creating and utilizing MVS Subprojects
- Debugging z/OS applications and Code Coverage – using the RDz Integrated Debugger
- Using RDz’s Web Services technology and functionality to create and test SOA applications
- Using CARMA to access CA-Endevor
- Accessing the RDz Eclipse-Help Tech Portal