Mobile now accounts for more than 60% of shopping visits which makes it imperative to improve shopping experiences on the mobile web

Salesforce Commerce Cloud provides merchants with a reference architecture to serve as a framework for website design. Storefront Reference Architecture (SFRA) was engineered through a data-driven design analysis of over 2,000 mobile storefronts to identify optimal UX approaches. Time-to-market is reduced drastically with its modern architecture.

Discussion Topics:

SFRA – An Overview
Mobile Friendly, Seamless checkout, Kickstarter package
Architecture overhaul and What it means for the developers
Royal Cyber’s Capabilities and how we can help you
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Mobile Optimized Salesforce Storefront Reference Architecture

Salesforce Storefront Webinar
On-Demand Webinar
Saleforce Commerce Cloud

Mobile-Optimized Salesforce
Storefront Reference Architecture

Mobile-First Approach

Redesigned Checkout

Mobile now accounts for more than 60% of shopping visits which makes it imperative to improve shopping experiences on the mobile web

Salesforce Commerce Cloud provides merchants with a reference architecture to serve as a framework for website design. Storefront Reference Architecture (SFRA) was engineered through a data-driven design analysis of over 2,000 mobile storefronts to identify optimal UX approaches. Time-to-market is reduced drastically with its modern architecture.

Series # 2
SearchSpring Salesforce Storefront Reference Architecture

SearchSpring offers intelligent search results and powerful merchandising capabilities for e-commerce sites.

Webinar Series #1
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Join Us to Learn
  • SFRA – An Overview
  • Mobile Friendly, Seamless checkout, Kickstarter package
  • Architecture overhaul and What it means for the developers
  • Royal Cyber’s Capabilities and how we can help you

Lohith Kumar

Technical Lead eCommerce Services