Migrating IBM WebSphere and DX to Kubernetes
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Future-Proof Your Infrastructure: The Case for Migrating IBM WebSphere and DX to Kubernetes

Transforming Legacy Systems with Kubernetes - Confronting Deployment Complexities

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, organizations are seeking to modernize their infrastructure to improve agility, scalability, and efficiency. Kubernetes has emerged as a leading platform for container orchestration, offering numerous benefits for deploying and managing applications in dynamic environments. Watch this on-demand-webinar where we will explore the benefits of Kubernetes and its role in modernizing traditional IBM WebSphere-based HCL Digital Experience (DX) deployments.
In this on-demand-webinar, we will showcase the ease of deploying and maintaining HCL DX on Kubernetes, highlighting its scalability, resilience, and cost-effectiveness. Additionally, we will explore other platforms based on Kubernetes that can be leveraged to deploy HCL DX, offering flexibility and choice to organizations seeking to modernize their infrastructure.

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Key insights will include:
Zeeshan Mukhtar
Zeeshan Mukhtar
Global Head
Abdullah Wasi
Technical Lead

Future-Proof Your Infrastructure: The Case for Migrating IBM WebSphere and DX to Kubernetes

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