Is Your E-Commerce Website Healthy enough to Compete?

Written by Poonam Chandersy

Technical Content Writer

E-Commerce Websites are failing at an alarming rate, and poor Digital Health could be the Culprit

Does this sound like you? If you know your e-commerce site is ailing, but you cannot diagnose the problem. You are not alone. 90% of e-commerce sites fail within the first 90 days (Internet Retailer). Even more interesting is the fact that 23% of those businesses attributed the failure to being outcompeted. We think this is a sign of poor digital health.

The three pillars of e-commerce contribute to a healthy and high-performing website. These pillars are functional capabilities, technology infrastructure, and the quality of the user experience. Functional capabilities refer to the key features that a leading B2B or B2C site should have to be successful. This includes providing rich variations where a customer can view a product.

Technology infrastructure includes the soundness of your technical stack – do you have the right platform to support your business goals? Is your search feature helping or hurting you, and is your site performance chasing customers away?

The quality of the user experience is self-evident; without a branded experience that is human-centered, failure is the only option. Excelling in one or two of these areas is not enough – it is the combined excellence of all three components that generates lasting results.

Headline: It’s time to give your website a checkup

Improving your website’s digital health can start with a fast and simple Digital Assessment – think of it as a checkup. A digital assessment can quickly analyze your site’s functionality, technology utilization, and customer journey.

Our digital assessment examines the pillars of e-commerce in three distinct ways:

Making intelligent and timely improvements to your website is critical to staying competitive, and having a fast, easy, and comprehensive way to validate your choices would be ideal to keep you in the 10%. You know what’s at stake. Business that are ready to ride the wave of digital adoption are expected to enjoy permanent gains. Don’t wait, let’s talk about getting your free Digital Assessment started. Contact us and learn how Royal Cyber can help you stay ahead of the curve.

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