Are you on Reference Architecture yet?

Create a dynamic shopping site with a mobile-optimized and UX efficient layout!

Architecture plays a significant role in the development of an Ecommerce site, especially because the Ecommerce system needs integration with a large number of external services and products. If the architecture is tightly coupled and rigid then integration, upgradation and modification take much longer and sometimes the architectural design leads to a blockage. Nowadays, Ecommerce platforms and service providers are focusing on providing the most robust and dynamic architecture to retailers that is easy to maintain, update and integrate.

Salesforce Commerce Cloud being a major contender in the Ecommerce industry has introduced a new architecture, SFRA (Storefront Reference Architecture). SFRA is designed to provide a blueprint for the site and make it easy to build, maintain and update the storefront. SFRA is based on conventional MVC architecture and does not reside within the platform’s API layer, thereby allowing more flexibility.

Reference Architecture

The SFRA (Storefront Reference Architecture )code base is extendible and the developers can build sites with a unique experience. We can add our new code, third-party plugins and iterative site designs. Reference architecture has built-in responsive layout capability to adjust multiple screen resolutions and devices. Responsive design adapts the display according to the screen size and adaptive layout detects the devices and other features to provide a suitable layout according to the predefined view sizes.

SFRA allows to separate base code, custom code and third-party plugins into individual cartridges which leads to easy maintenance and updating of the cartridges and code deliverables.


SFRA provides a base cartridge, app_storefront_base and a server module. This base cartridge includes core functionalities that are common in most of the Ecommerce sites. Additional cartridges can also be layered, like custom and third-party plugins and LINK partner cartridges.

Typical Cartridge Stack

  • Base
  • Base cartridge provides fundamental Ecommerce site functionalities. The modification to this base is managed my SFCC through the project repositories. It includes best code practices for the features that are used by almost all the customers

  • Plugin
  • Plugins are to enhance Ecommerce site capabilities provided by SFCC. Plugins are provided by SFCC to integrate features that are not required by all the sites but are key features, like; in-store pickup, product compare, etc.

  • LINK
  • Link cartridges are third-party integrators, SFCC has a list of Link partners that have contributed to reference architecture’s robustness. We can integrate LINK partners features such as content management, tax, address verification, etc.

  • Custom
  • The Custom cartridge is to add custom code according to the business needs of the specific sites and stores. Through this we can customize base, LINK and other plugin cartridges by extending and overriding the functionality.

Base cartridges and modules are not available to customize, we should not change the cartridge name and the code base. Same is the case with other plugin cartridges like, apple pay, in-store pickup, etc. This is to benefit the customer so they can have the latest base and plugin cartridges at any point as the customization is done separately and will not get impacted by applying the latest base code and plugins.


  • Prebuild storefront design allows developers to adapt the latest innovations.
  • Integrations and customization are separate from the code base and the developers can customize easily according to the business requirement.
  • Adaptive and responsive framework to provide optimized experience on different screens.
  • Extending and overriding facility allows developers to add new features and functionalities quickly.

Royal Cyber can help brands in porting to Commerce Cloud Reference Architecture

Royal Cyber with its SFRA (Storefront Reference Architecture) capabilities can facilitate and drive your e-stores to smooth adaptation of this new reference architecture offered by Salesforce Commerce Cloud. We can help brands in creating separate cartridges based on functional requirements of the locale and regions. This will result in re-usability of the cartridges for new sites and stores.

Check the below link to know more about our Salesforce Commerce Capabilities.

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