Secure API’s with Apigee Monitoring

Written by Haider Raza

Senior Solution Architect at Royal Cyber

What is API Monitoring?

API Monitoring is a monitoring Application Programming, most ordinarily in production, to distinguish visibility into performance, availability, and functional correctness.

API Monitoring tools are intended to analyze the performance of the applications and improve poorly performing APIs. They provide extents of how long a routine takes to execute, how often it's called, where it's called from, and the total time spent executing that transaction.

Problem statement:

As API traffic increases, without access to comprehensive data analysis and appropriate alerting, the ability to meet customer service-level contracts may be put at risk.

API Monitoring in APIGEE:

Apigee API Monitoring works with Apigee Edge Cloud to deliver real-time contextual insights into API performance, helps quickly diagnose issues, and facilitates remedial actions for business continuity. Enable users to watch APIs, quickly investigate, and act on API issues.

Advantages of API monitoring in Apigee:

  • Take suitable actions based on contextual alerts before clients are impacted.
  • Leverage fault codes to speed up the diagnosis.
  • Sort the problem areas quickly to diagnose the error, performance, and latency issues and their sources.

Product Features:

Manage alerts for API Monitoring
  • Managing alerts using the API
  • The API Monitoring APIs lets you to create alerts and collections to gather metrics and log information.
Managing collections using the API
  • The API Monitoring APIs generate alerts and collections to gather metrics and log information.
  • Collections allow you to group API proxies, targets, or developer apps located at the appropriate threshold values to detect issues faster.
View API Monitoring logs at different levels.
  • View logs using the API
  • Download the API Monitoring logs to look at the data to calculate the metrics displayed within the API Monitoring dashboards. You can download logs for custom time ranges, specific proxies, specific status codes, and many other variables.
View API Monitoring metrics
  • View metrics using the API
  • Use the APIs described below to urge API Monitoring metrics. Metrics are the info values aggregated by API Monitoring from the data contained within the API Monitoring logs

API Analytics helps everyone improve

By means of a continuous method of collecting, analyzing, and visualizing data, Edge API Analytics supports your API team to improve their APIs and app developers improve their apps.

Limitations of Apigee:

What type of data is collected and analyzed?

Edge API Analytics gathers and analyzes a wide spectrum of knowledge that flows across API proxies such as:

  • Response time

  • Request latency

  • Request size

  • Target errors

  • API product name

  • Developer email address

  • App name

  • Many others

Collection of custom analytics data

You can collect custom analytics data by using the Statistics Collector policy. Once the custom data is extracted, you'll use the analytics UI or API to look at the info. You can also want to collect custom analytics data specific to your API proxies, apps, products, or developers. For example, you would possibly want to collect analytics data from query parameters, request headers, request and response bodies, or variables that you simply define in your APIs.

When and for how long is the analytics data will be available?

There are two time intervals that regulate at what time and for how long you visually see your data analytics:

Data delay - After a call is created in an API proxy, it can take up to 10 minutes for the info to be accessible..

Data preservation - The length of time that analytics data is retained by Edge differs by the plan. Depending on your plan, analytics data could also be available for the past 30, 60, 90, or three hundred and sixty-five days.

Access to analytics data

Edge API Analytics has data visualization tools built into the sting UI. These tools contain predefined analytics dashboards and custom reports that show data in graphs and charts and allows you to drill down to see data grouped in different dimensions. In addition, you'll download analytics data by using the sting management API. Once the analytics is downloaded, you can import the data into the data visualization tool or analytics system.

Analytics dashboards

The Edge UI offers a group of predefined dashboards that your visualization tools or analytics system.

Analytics dashboards The Edge UI provides a group of predefined dashboards that you simply can use to look at analytics data. This dashboard includes charts for:

  • Total Traffic - the entire number of API requests received by Edge for an API environment in a corporation.
  • Traffic Success - the complete number of requests during a successful response.
  • Traffic Errors - the number of API requests that are unsuccessful. The count includes both Proxy errors and Target errors.
  • Average TPS - the typical number of API requests and resulting responses per second.

Monitoring options to monitor various Apigee servers (CPU, Memory, etc.) using Apigee on-prem:

In general, after Apigee Edge has been installed, you'll perform the subsequent monitoring tasks to trace the performance of an Apigee Edge for private Cloud installation.


Ensure your APIs are more secure with improved visibility. Royal Cyber can help you gain a holistic view of the health and security status of your API programs. For more information, you can email us at [email protected] or visit

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