Unifying Human and Digital Workforce with RPA

Sep 29th 2022 | 4:00pm – 5:00pm CST

Hyatt Regency Riyadh Olaya Street, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 11433

Amazing swags

Strategies for enhancing workflow and improving human productivity

When people think about automation, they often assume it’s a zero-sum game: The work once done by humans is now done by technology. But this assumption misses the greater potential offered by today’s intelligent automation (IA): a hybrid workforce in which human workers collaborate with digital workers to enable humans to work more effectively — and with greater satisfaction. Additionally, it serves as an accelerator for digital transformation, allowing systems, business processes, and business leaders to collaborate across departments, agencies, and even governmentwide.

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Traditionally, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) was focused on automating routine tasks, like onboarding new employees, in the style of robotic desktop automation (RDA). RDA can be installed on a single machine for generating reports or automating Excel spreadsheet processing.

What Value you Will Get?


Accelerate your Intelligent Process Strategies


Leverage the Intelligent Automation to Scale Operational Efficiencies


Cutting-edge Technology & Valuable Networking Opportunities

Expert Speaker

Mujahid Ali Mohammed

Mujahid Ali Mohammed

Technical Lead – BPM / RPA
Mohammed Mujahid Ali is a tool and technology enthusiast with 11+ years of extensive experience working on various BPM and BRMS tools. He has development experience of enterprise applications.

Event Highlights & Schedule

Event Food

05:00 PM

Why RPA is at the forefront of intelligent automation?

05:15 PM

What mix of technologies makes intelligent automation and how to steer the course of your business to digital transformation?

05:30 PM

What relevant use cases and services are required to implement and maintain a successful automation practice

05:50 PM

Q & A / Networking

6:05 PM

Drinks, & Food

Sep 29th 2022 | 4:00pm – 5:00pm CST

Hyatt Regency Riyadh Olaya Street, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 11433

Unifying Human and Digital Workforce with RPA

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