Ensuring Authentic Reviews and Offering Discount Coupons using SAP Commerce
Industry | Home Appliances 

Technology | SAP Commerce

Location | Turkey
SAP Gold Partner
The company, headquartered in Turkey, is a prominent retailer with a strong focus on home appliances. It has built a reputation for delivering high-quality products to its customers. Their extensive product range includes refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, and LED televisions. Additionally, they offer dishwashers, kitchen appliances, and water dispensers. The company also specializes in small domestic appliances and personal care products. This diverse portfolio allows them to cater to a wide variety of household needs.

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The client faced challenges in implementing a discount coupon system for product reviews.

Managing the costs associated with providing discounts was essential to avoid impacting profitability.

Ensuring the authenticity of reviews was crucial, necessitating robust verification processes to maintain credibility.

Additionally, preventing abuse of the system by users seeking rewards without genuine reviews required stringent controls.

Key Outcomes
Product Visibility and Credibility
Brand Interaction, Fostering Loyalty
Brand Image with Positive Reviews
Areas for Improvement

We ensured review authenticity by establishing a robust verification system with purchase links.

Abuse was prevented through measures such as account verification and CAPTCHA, ensuring that only genuine reviews were rewarded.

To control costs, we limited the number of coupons issued and used data-driven insights to refine coupon distribution strategies.

Clear communication about the program’s purpose and terms helped manage customer expectations effectively.

What Customers Say about Royal Cyber
Royal Cyber are partners in the truest sense — they provide support quickly and work to explain unknowns in a way that is truly remarkable.


Increase in Customer Activity


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