Intelligently Route Tasks with ServiceNow Agent Intelligence

One of the setbacks of the digital age is to bring all the disparate systems to function as one whole unit. The cloud platform has made this possible, as it has allowed business owners to make their tools more accessible and universal. But still, operators experience IT organizations to be more disorganized, which more often than not leads to setbacks.

This is where the ServiceNow helps by merging both internal operations processes and customer-facing and streamlines them by using machine learning algorithms. With better interconnectivity, the ServiceNow system reduces the downtime and cuts the overhead significantly.

ServiceNow has made a leap forward making machine learning more accessible to organizations. This approach puts into operations the machine learning solutions within the current processes without building any custom solutions. Therefore, IT service desks can enjoy reduced incidents and customer service response times.

Agent Intelligence improves the interactions between processes and service agents. The goal of this document is to show how Agent Intelligence reduces IT incident sorting time and customer service response times.

The need for intelligent automation

Manually triaging thousands of incidents, categorizing tasks, and routing work can consume peoples’ resources. It can also introduce human error and slow resolution time. Moreover, attrition and turnover of human agents cause loss of institutional knowledge, and it takes a long time for newer agents to become productive. Imagine an agent trying to figure out one of the hundred categories appropriate to the problem described by a 180-word description! The main objective of Agent Intelligence is to reduce IT incident triage time, and customer service response times. ServiceNow’s approach enables machine learning to decide on the category based on prior history learned from historical data.

What is agent intelligence?

Agent Intelligence is embedded and available within the ServiceNow platform and uses supervised machine learning to automate prediction of fields like category and assignment group for incidents and cases. Rather than manual triaging of tasks like IT incidents and Customer Service Cases or relying on assignment rules which have to be created and managed manually – Machine Learning automates this process by learning from data. Agent Intelligence allows configuration and easy deployment of machine learning solutions by business users rather than requiring specialized data scientists to use this.

Royal Cyber & Agent intelligence – best practices

As a part of ServiceNow’s intelligent automation strategy, we continue to address some of the top customer asks. Royal Cyber’s ServiceNow experts have started to stretch the boundaries of targeted knowledge by introducing machine learning and artificial intelligence into the platform capabilities. We help organizations to improve speed, and accuracy while lowering costs. For more information on how we can save your time with ServiceNow Agent Intelligence, you can email us at [email protected] or visit

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